Portfolio item number 1
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Grant Award (PoP Grants) to StoryAI (Summer 2024)
I’m thrilled to announce that our team StoryAI has been selected for $49,800 of Proof-of-Product (PoP) Grants from the UCI Beall Applied Innovation. Thanks to the amazing team and UCI Beall Applied Innovation for the funding!
Invited talk, Spring 2024, Implication of GenAI in education (NCSU CSC)
I gave a talk at the North Carolina State University, Department of Computer Science on the Implication of GenAI in education through StoryAI’s employment in out-of-school settings. Thank you for the invitation NCSU CSC.
Invited Talk ‘AI K12 Deeper Learning Summit.’
My team, Kylie and Shenshen, and I had the opportunity to present at the AI K12 Deeper Learning Summit. We are grateful for the invitation and the chance to share our insights.
ISLS 2024 ‘Co-Design a Logic Model for Inclusive AI-Powered Learning Application with Primary School Teachers’
Our ISLS paper has been accepted and will be presented in ISLS 2024!
CHI 2024 ‘Teachers, Parents, and Students perspectives on Integrating Generative AI into Elementary Literacy Education’
Our CHI paper has been accepted and will be presented in CHI 2024!
Invited Talk ‘Harnessing Generative AI in Education, Insights from StoryAI Design and Development.’
Invited Talk I gave a talk at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information on the topic of
Harnessing Generative AI in Education: Insights from StoryAI Design and Development. Thank you for the invitation SCI and LRDC.
Paper on Generative AI in STEAM Education Accepted to Education and Information Technologies
We recently published a study in Education and Information Technologies with the study of incorporating generative AI into STEAM classes in elementary school settings.
StoryAI advanced in NSF-sponsored VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round
I am thrilled to announce that our project, StoryAI, advanced in the NSF-sponsored VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round. In addition to receiving 20,000 USD for developing a prototype, our team has been matched with a teacher mentor who received 15,000 USD to work with our team. Currently, we are co-designing the learning application as a team of four: Ariel Han (lead researcher), Shenshen Han (developer), Dr. Seth Corrigan, Dr. Kylie Peppler, and the teacher mentor, Gayle.
ISLS 2023 Poster on Implications of AI art generators to broaden visual literacy and creative expression for young learners
I recently presented a poster in ISLS 2023 on the topic of generative AI in creative expression for young learners.
IDC 2023 Paper on Design Implications of Generative AI for Visual Storytelling for Children
I have published the recent research project, Design Implications of Leveraging Generative AI in Literacy Activities for Young Learners in IDC 2023.
IDC Doctoral Consortium
I am excited to share that I was selected as one of the doctoral consortium Ph.D. students from IDC 2023 with the proposal of generative AI in education.