Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

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Grant Award (PoP Grants) to StoryAI (Summer 2024)

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I’m thrilled to announce that our team StoryAI has been selected for $49,800 of Proof-of-Product (PoP) Grants from the UCI Beall Applied Innovation. Thanks to the amazing team and UCI Beall Applied Innovation for the funding!

Invited Talk ‘AI K12 Deeper Learning Summit.’

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My team, Kylie and Shenshen, and I had the opportunity to present at the AI K12 Deeper Learning Summit. We are grateful for the invitation and the chance to share our insights.


StoryAI advanced in NSF-sponsored VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round

2 minute read


I am thrilled to announce that our project, StoryAI, advanced in the NSF-sponsored VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round. In addition to receiving 20,000 USD for developing a prototype, our team has been matched with a teacher mentor who received 15,000 USD to work with our team. Currently, we are co-designing the learning application as a team of four: Ariel Han (lead researcher), Shenshen Han (developer), Dr. Seth Corrigan, Dr. Kylie Peppler, and the teacher mentor, Gayle.

IDC Doctoral Consortium

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I am excited to share that I was selected as one of the doctoral consortium Ph.D. students from IDC 2023 with the proposal of generative AI in education.